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2 Round Cooldown

100% Hit Chance 


Deals 295 Beast damage and reduces the target's next attack by 50%.

Vs. Critter

Vs. Flying


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1-25 of 56
Used By:
Ash'ana [Ash'ana]

Vendor: Sylvia Hartshorn

Zone: Val'sharah

Faction: Dreamweavers - Revered

Cost: 500gold (unlimited supply)

Baby Ape

Pet Battle: [9-10] The Cape of Stranglethorn

Weather: Rain

Bananas [Banana Charm]

Trading Card Game: Through the Dark Portal

Bean [Freshly Webbed Kebab]

Vendor: Pelefien

Zone: City of Threads

Cost: 2250Kej (limited supply: 1)

Black Tabby Cat [Cat Carrier (Black Tabby)]

Drop: World Drop

Zone: Hillsbrad Foothills [7-30]

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 8,000

Blue Dasher

Pet Battle: [25] Thaldraszus

Bombay Cat [Cat Carrier (Bombay)]

Vendor: Donni Anthania

Zone: Elwynn Forest

Cost: 40silver (unlimited supply)

Buggsy [Buggsy]

Vendor: Trading Post

Zone: Orgrimmar (H), Stormwind (A)

Cost: 250Trader's Tender (unlimited supply)

Bush Chicken [Frightened Bush Chicken]

Drop: Pilgrim's Bounty

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 33

Calico Cat [Cat Carrier (Calico)]

Vendor: Breanni

Zone: Dalaran (Northrend)

Cost: 50gold (unlimited supply)


Pet Battle: [1-2] Eversong Woods; [1-2] Elwynn Forest; [1-3] Silvermoon City; [7-8] Arathi Highlands; [20-21] Netherstorm

Cheetah Cub

Pet Battle: [3-4] Northern Barrens; [9-10] Southern Barrens

Darkmoon Cub [Darkmoon Cub]

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)

Vendor: Lhara

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Cost: 90Darkmoon Prize Ticket (unlimited supply)


Drop: Darkmoon Game Prize

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,250

Darkmoon Monkey [Darkmoon Monkey]

World Event: Darkmoon Faire (first week of each month)

Vendor: Lhara

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Cost: 90Darkmoon Prize Ticket (unlimited supply)


Drop: Darkmoon Game Prize

Zone: Darkmoon Island

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,250

Dream Badger

Pet Battle: [25] Emerald Dream

Dreamborne Scarab [Dreamborne Scarab]

Vendor: Elianna

Zone: Emerald Dream

Faction: Dream Wardens (Renown Five)

Cost: 1Dream Infusion (unlimited supply)

Highlands Skunk

Pet Battle: [23-24] Twilight Highlands

Ichabod [Ichabod]

Promotion: Support a Streamer on Twitch

Jade Tiger [Jade Tiger]

Promotion: Recruit-A-Friend


Pet Battle: [25] Zaralek Cavern

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