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Dazzling Dance

Abilities by Family Critter Dazzling Dance
Dazzling Dance

Increases your team's speed by 25% for 9 rounds.


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1-25 of 28
Used By:
Alpine Foxling

Pet Battle: [23-25] Kun-Lai Summit; [24-25] Townlong Steppes

Alpine Foxling Kit

Pet Battle: [23-25] Kun-Lai Summit; [24-25] Townlong Steppes

Arctic Fox Kit

Pet Battle: [22-23] The Storm Peaks

Weather: Snow

Dandelion Frolicker [Dandelion Frolicker]

Drop: Scary Sprite [35+]

Zone: Timeless Isle

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 700

Darkmoon Glowfly

Pet Battle: [1-10] Darkmoon Island

Fjord Worg Pup

Pet Battle: [20-22] Howling Fjord

Fluttering Glimmerfly

Pet Battle: [25] Bastion

Fox Kit [Fox Kit]

Drop: Baradin Fox [30-35]

Zone: Tol Barad Peninsula

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 1,000


Vendor: Quartermaster Brazie

Zone: Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Baradin's Wardens - Exalted

Cost: 200Tol Barad Commendation (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Pogg

Zone: Tol Barad Peninsula

Faction: Hellscream's Reach - Exalted

Cost: 200Tol Barad Commendation (unlimited supply)

Heartseeker Moth [Heartseeker Moth]

World Event: Love is in the Air

Vendor: Lovely Merchant

Cost: 40Love Token (unlimited supply)

Miloh [Miloh]

Vendor: Explorer Bezzert

Zone: Zaralek Cavern

Cost: 2500Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)


Vendor: Patchu

Zone: The Azure Span

Cost: 2500Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Mist Fox Kit

Pet Battle: [25] Stormheim; [25] Highmountain

Murgle [Murgle]

Drop: King Gakula [50]

Zone: Nazjatar

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Necroray Spawnling

Pet Battle: [25] Maldraxxus

Royal Peachick [Royal Peacock]

Achievement: Draenor Safari

Category: Collect

Specter [Specter]

World Event: Wrath Timewalking

Vendor: Auzin

Zone: Dalaran (Northrend)

Cost: 2200Timewarped Badge (unlimited supply)


Drop: Spinebug

Zone: Maldraxxus [50-60]

Drop Rate: 1 in 1

Thrrrdgl [Thrrrdgl]

Blizzard Store 

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