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1 Round Cooldown

50% Hit Chance 


Deals 886 Dragonkin damage.

Vs. Magic

Vs. Undead


1-5 of 5
Used By:
Ashstone Core [Core of Hardened Ash]

Drop: Golemagg the Incinerator [??+]

Zone: Molten Core

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 14

Brightfeather [Brightfeather]

Drop: Hardened Chest

Zone: The Forbidden Reach (Zskera Vault)

Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Ghostly Whelpling [Ghostly Whelpling]

Scenario: Island Expeditions

Approximate Scenario Rate: Unknown

Netherwhelp [Netherwhelp's Collar]

Promotion: Burning Crusade Collector's Edition

Untamed Hatchling [Unscathed Egg]

Drop: Razorgore the Untamed [??+]

Zone: Blackwing Lair

Approximate Drop Rate: 1 in 7

1-5 of 5
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