Savage Talon
1-26 of 26
Used By:

Drop: Burninator Mark V [50+]
Zone: Darkshore Warfront
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Drop: Athil Dewfire [50+]
Zone: Darkshore Warfront
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown

Quest: She's in a Happier Place [50] (Alliance), He's Dead, Jastor [50] (Horde)
Zone: Tiragarde Sound, Zuldazar

Drop: Nightwreathed Egg after 5 days
Contains: 1 in 1 options
Drop: Orwell Stevenson [50+]
Zone: Darkshore Warfront
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
Drop: Grimhorn [50+]
Zone: Darkshore Warfront
Approximate Drop Rate: Unknown
1-26 of 26