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Arcane Barrage

Abilities by Family Magic Arcane Barrage
Arcane Barrage

100% Hit Chance 


Barrage the enemy 1-2 times, dealing 197 Magic damage per hit.


Hits an additional time if the user attacks first.

Vs. Flying

Vs. Mechanical


1-5 of 5
Used By:
Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm [Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 10000Polished Pet Charm (unlimited supply)

Gummi [Gummi]

Promotion: TrolliĀ® + Xbox

Ruby Baubleworm [Ruby Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 1Ground Gear 1Robble's Wobbly Staff 1Very Unlucky Rock (unlimited supply)

Topaz Baubleworm [Topaz Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 1Rotting Bear Carcass 1Dark Iron Baby Booties 1The Stoppable Force (unlimited supply)

Turquoise Baubleworm [Turquoise Baubleworm]

Vendor: Keeper Ta'hult

Zone: Oribos

Cost: 1Rabbit's Foot 1Large Slimy Bone 1A Frayed Knot (unlimited supply)

1-5 of 5
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