Annys' Comments
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Beware of Solarbeam from the realm Uther!!! He/she made a group for the darkmoon rabbit, kicked half of us while in combat, then at the end changed it to master loot and took the pet then hearthed. Afterwards we found out he was trying to sell it in trade. Guys, this pet has a long spawn timer and it only comes once a month. We all want this pet for one reason or another but this way is not the way to go. Have respect for others please.
So I found one, a rare S/B breed. It wasn't the breed I really wanted so instead of capturing it and letting it go to waste, I announced it in trade and had only 1 person whisper to me for it. We kept farming for a friend of mine that wanted P/P breed. In the process, we found many and gave them to others around us that were still looking. I got my rare P/P, my husband got his H/P and my friend got her P/P uncommon. Good deeds never go unpunished! There are still good ppl like us out there! GL!!
Latest Pets Obtained:
Ethereal Soul-Trader
Viscous Horror
Zipao Tiger
Thx Sibi for the Ethereal Soul-Trader & Viscous Horror! You ROCK!!!
My Current Goal:
*Pets leveled: 380/580
*Pets Collected: 580/600
*Waiting for:
1. Winter: Snowy Owl - Zookeeper Title ( Just a few wks away!) & Rotten Little Helper
My Future Goals and Pets Dreams:
*To obtain all pets somehow
*To level all my pets to level 25
*Upgrade all Pets to rare
Next Pets I'm currently working on:
Zipao Tiger
Jade Tiger
Silver Pig
Golden Pig