Daleeana's Comments
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It's been a while since I got the Hatchling from Magical Menagerie, but even after 2 or so weeks, I'm still entirely grateful. It brightened up a pretty black time for me. Sick pets, relationship breakage, lots of doctorly visits... stuff like that all churned together into one ugly week. Then it was to be totally brightened up by a pet I had previously in the day marked as "Never getting... sigh". You guys are so generous, and I'm honored to have been and to be a member.
Confirmed that this drops off The Prophet Skeram. I've noticed that all the raid pets don't have a 100% chance to drop. I had two drop in MC, zero drop in BWL. I've only killed Skeram once. I can only assume AQ and Naxx go by the same rules as MC and BWL.
Seems to be that Snowy Owls can spawn almost everywhere in Winterspring... My way to get them is to just fly around in a circle around the entire zone. Don't worry, you'll find one. Thank god they're not as rare as Minfernals xD!
Haven't had much to say. But I've caught one of each wild pet on Draenor, and I still haven't found a pet trainer I couldn't beat after a few tries :D, though the Menagerie dailies are quite challenging! If you're having trouble, just look up the fight on wowhead, they've got lots of great ideas!