Dunquixote's Comments
(3) comments by Dunquixote

Comments by Date (3)
With the Argent Pony, I enjoy having this companion pet. The only think I dislike about it is the cooldown and the limited amount of time he'll be performing the function I choose to use him for. Even though he cannot battle, being on an rp server, though I don't rp anymore, he goes perfectly with my magic using lock "knight-errant" [made him as a parady and opposite of the character from a book, who classified magic users as evil].
The Wind Rider Cub was my main pet in my party for most of the time I've been collecting, and either the first or second pet of mine to reach 25. I love it so much because how cute, in my opinion, it is, and its abilities are pretty good. Lift off is the only ability I'm not fond of using even against water pets because of its inaccuracy.
Currently, this pet is my best one and first one I leveled to 25. It's a good pet to have while leveling your pets; it can tank (if that's appropriate to use in pet battles), self-heal, and provide support healing to your other pets. Since I'm still only collecting pets, I'm currently still using this guy. Downside is its weakness to flying and its speed.