Elogan's Comments
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I got Syd after 6 days, I'm so happy :-)
To defeat Christopher Vonfaesel's team I use
-Onyxian whepling (tail sweep, liftoff for avoiding whirlpool)
-Blue Clockwork Robot (toxic smoke, sticky grenade, missile)
-Lil' Bling (make it rain, inflation, blingtron gift package)
No idea why people say it's never there. I get there everyday due of rp reasons and I always have 2 - 3 running around. I check them because I want a rare, seen alot of uncommons but no rare thus far.
I found mine after ca. 15 - 20 mins killing maggots and roaches. First and only I saw was a rare yippee!
Just got mine at Dalaran Crater as an addon with a rabbid. Was checking all battlepets I could find.
This was the only and luckily rare Snowshoe Hare I found.
Found my rare behind the Dark Portal, had to fight about 7- 8 before I found it.
I usualy check the pets by engaging battle, if they are not at least uncommon I forfait and kill them, makes them spawn pretty fast, didn't have to go anywhare else to ensure spawns.
working on the collection