Fredolean's Comments
(5) comments by Fredolean

Comments by Date (5)
I got mine as rare H/S breed and I name it Destructor it just smokes almost anything that gets in front of it, it's a beast I LOVE IT!!!
First use headbutt and then smack and almost the fight is over, headbut stunts the enemy for two rounds and smack bring it down from 25 to 40 % more attack with smack and the fight is over. I love this lil guy.
Found mine a rare as a 2nd pet in Wetlands.also found doing battles a few commons and one more rare.
This kitty is no joke when it's time to fight has to much powe smoke another lvl 9 rare that I try to colect so a word of advice when you use it to catch anothe bring the hp down to 50% and then switch low hitting pet or your going to end up crying like me fot that rare that I haven't seen again.
Found two in diffrent fights both rares, in uldum, lots of groups of threes. the first was b/b breed and captured it the second was h/h breed also captured it and let the other b/b go.both lvl 23.