Gor's Comments
(2) comments by Gor

Comments by Date (2)
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Re: Blighthawk
Oddly enough, I had no issue whatsoever getting this pet. I noticed an empty spot in my achievement for the EK Safari being WPL, opened my journal and went, hey, I don't have a Blighthawk! Looked on the map, thought, mmm, probably around Andorhal.
2:12 PM, found me a blue P/S about two minutes after finding a common B/B.
Thinking of him as a good pet to replace my Shadeling against Taran Zhu to dodge the Blinding Powder with Lift-Off, as well as having fairly powerful undead moves.
Posted: October 31, 2013 3:14:20 PM
Edits: 1
Rating: -1
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Killed G'nathus solo, took me just under five minutes, dropping Spawn of G'nathus and Sharp Fangs x2 (lol) Worth it as an Ele shammy just keeping flame shock/Frost shock or earthgrab up. Keep dat water walking up, and you'll be fine. If you're not as geared as I, being a ~556-559 raider, it'll take longer, just don't let the slows fall off and you'll be good!