Hearte's Comments
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I completed this pre-11.0.5 also, and I did not receive the pet. I submitted a bug report as well.
Thanks for the awesome write-up, Quintessence!
Happy Holidays!
Would love to see the limited Korean, Chinese, and European pets made available through the program. Thanks for the write-up!
This is the third pet that has Weakening Blow, an invaluable ability for capturing wild pets. It has incredibly high HP as an H/H breed, and its healing abilities could mean saving a lot of bandages in the wild.
Thanks for the update, Quintessence!
Thank you for the great write-up!
Thanks for the write-up, Quintessence!
Can't wait! Thanks for the update.
This pet has a couple of interesting characteristics that I've noticed so far. When summoned, it has the effect of someone using their Hearthstone. Also, the pet itself is clickable and activates your Hearthstone cast when doing so. If your Hearthstone is on cooldown, it does nothing. Other people cannot activate the Hearthstone ability with the pet, even if they are in your group.
Never really thought about using a pet with Superbark alongside Terrible Turnip and Snobold Runt for a pet capture team. Thanks!
I hope everything gets better for you soon, Sawfty. This is an incredible way to leave the game! Cheers to your generosity!
I guess it doesn't seem like too many weeks to get them all this way, but I like the option to purchase them on the AH as well. If avid pet battlers enjoy making money by doing these dungeons and selling the pets, I think it's a great idea to allow them to do so.
Happy Anniversary!
Being a P/P breed, self-buffed with Roar and using Tail Sweep, one could crank out some massive damage. Cyclone with a P/P can also do some serious damage to the entire enemy team. Early Advantage could be situationally amazing as well, since this pet has no bonus to HP.
An elemental pet that's strong against other elemental pets. Seems like an amazing option for an object remover, since it has two skills that do so.
The bat looks great, but I'm rather sad that I now need to add a Mage to the list of classes that I need to level up for this patch. That toy is just way too awesome.
Requring us to basically main a class to get a pet-that stinks. I'm in the middle of grinding Prestige 7 on a 2nd character, and it's already going far beyond what seems like fun to me. I'm glad Blizzard has added a lot of new pets this expansion, but they are really making avid pet collectors suffer.
You do a fantastic job of maintaining this website, Quintessence. Thank you for all that you do!