Homura_akemi's Comments
(5) comments by Homura_akemi

Comments by Date (5)
This is the easiest pet with Wish you could possibly get. Really quite trollish in the Celestial Tournament.
If you go to Yu'la, cast Wish, then switch to a pet that's low on HP, you can get a free heal because Yu'la literally does no damage in the first two turns. After that you can just white flag and repeat for all the heals you could hope for!
This pet can be quite ridiculous in PvP. Just like the Death Adder Hatchling, she (mine's a H/B girly) can use Blinding Poison, but unlike the former, nobody knows that she can use it. This is terrific for suprise, and she can be either a healer with Nature's Ward or an anti-healer with Call Darkness, which is particularly useful in PvP. You can choose to keep her out of combat with Poison Lash or in combat with Lash.
Also, Fist of the Forest = Fist of the North Star, 'nuff said.
Entangling Roots + Feathered Frenzy is a strong combination that is unique to this pet. It is capable of doing 1000+ damage in one turn, but requires a turn of setup. This can seem quite predictable in PvP, but I've tested and seen that the damage is hard to counter and that most people don't know what she can do. I don't suggest her other moves because you can find them on other mechanicals that can ultilize them better.
She looks cool as well, so it's fun to watch her fight.
Very strong pet, but everybody should know how Early Advantage works so they can unleash his potential:
1: The double damage only occurs if the target still has more HP than you after the first hit from the ability. This means that if the first hit brings the target's HP down below yours, then the second hit will not occur. The ability isn't bugged.
2: The ability counts as two attacks when dealing double damage. It'll burn through shields fast.
Hope this helps!
This guy is ridiculous if you can get another pet to put a DoT or Delayed Damage move on the enemy beforehand. Make it Rain and Inflation set up a perfect combo that does unreal amounts of damage if you got something like Haunt going on in the background. He's also suprisingly durable if you use Extra Plating, which you can use inbetween uses of Make it Rain.
I just can't stop laughing over this guy, especially after naming him Yoloswagnoscope. Best 400 gold spent on a pet ever.