Jcam's Comments
(18) comments by Jcam

Comments by Date (18)
Contrary to what Warcraft Pets and Wowhead say, this showed up for me in The Ringing Deeps as a secondary pet.
This is the only moth with Nature's Touch - always helpful to have a decent heal. Be sure to use Moonfire first for an extra boost to your heal. Great S/S breed, gorgeous look. Well worth the effort to get and stone to rare.
I caught both H/P and P/S breeds, but I prefer the H/P breed - this little guy is a bit of a glass cannon without the health boost.
+1 for Uktulut Pier, on the rock bridging the pier @ about 45, 26. Got the little white with red eyes. There are absolutely no quests here and only a couple standard vendors, leading me to believe the game devs are trolling us, and the only reason they created this flight point is this little guy. lol
After losing a couple pet battles, tried this strategy and won immediately (gratitude and credit to Bucck on Wowhead):
Unborn Val'kyr + Pygmy Direhorn + Son of Sethe
UV: Curse of Doom, Haunt, "dies"
PD: Trihorn Shield, Stampede, dies
UV: Shadow Shock, dies
SS: Touch of the Animus (on cooldown), Drain Blood (on cooldown), Plagued Blood (filler), dies with Apocalpyse, resurrects!
Suck it, Algalon!
These frequently show up as secondary pets for Squirkys on an island NW of Azsuna (approx 19,20). I wouldn't recommend going here at a lower level as the island is covered in murlocs that could easily overwhelm you. Even as a max level player, these are not one-shot kills.
Someone said this on Wowhead and it worked for me - Celestial Dragon can solo Bristlespine in Stormsong Valley. Start off with Flamethrower, then Moonfire for damage/bonus to healing, then Ancient Blessing to heal. Continue with Flamethrower until cooldowns are over, then rinse and repeat.
Emerald Dream is no joke, I use Toxic Skin right before and let the enemy hurt themselves while this dragon heals back to full health. One of the best dragon pets to have imo.
Edit: With master pet trainer Michael Skarn in Drustvar (3 S/S bees with huge health), I really only had to battle the first one. With bees 2/3, they would attack Dream Whelpling first and promptly die. I truly have no idea why. Maybe it's a glitch but enjoy it while it lasts!
If this ugly-ass bird can still get 3/5 stars for appearance, maybe there's hope for the rest of us.
My dentist can confirm that I, too, am an anxious nibbler. If you are also an anxious nibbler, consider buying a dental night guard. :)
I've seen several of these in southern Kun-Lai Summit by the gate to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, but most of the times I go they are not capturable pets. I generally play evenings, but when I played in the afternoon I saw several that were capturable. So if you can't find any to capture, maybe try a different time of day. I don't have any substantial data to support this theory so ymmv. :)
Found some as primary pets on the border of Suramar and Azsuna (the hills on the Suramar side).
Did not know this pet even existed, until some kind stranger announced in general chat @ Dalaran that there was Lost Mail in x location which would lead to x questline and x rewards. Bless the WoW community. :)
Contrary to the previous poster, I only used the Legion Dalaran hearthstone, not the Azsuna portal.
Doing the questline to get this pet also gets you the toy "Glimmerflies on Strings" which lets you float over water. (It lets you float over land too, but does not slow your fall.)
An unexpected use I found for Happiness was soloing Stitches Jr. (Call Darkness when able, otherwise Seethe which has a chance to hit above 500 dmg).
If you're trying to find him but don't have a coordinates add-on, The Count shows up as one of the treasure chests on the mini-map.
Contrary to what Warcraft Pets and Wowhead say, I found this as a secondary pet in The Ringing Deeps.