Kassiara's Comments
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I am wondering if the new pets in Battle for Azeroth will say you can only use the stones bought with Polished charms to upgrade them. I am planning on buying alot of stones now, but only if I will still be able to use them in BfA.
Posted: May 27, 2018 8:13:59 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
I never liked the connected realms either.
Count me in the dislike column.
I have been on my realm faithfully for ten years.
It is special to me. I really don't care about seeing the other realm's scores.
Please make it an option to just see my own realm.
This is a great site that has done awesome things for pet collectors.
Let's keep it that way!!
Posted: November 03, 2017 11:02:52 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +6
1-2 of 2
Time to seriously collect toys!
Battle for Azeroth new achievement: 400 toys = pet (forgot the name of it)
I have 205 toys, so I have a lot of work to do!!