Kiarapanther's Comments
(11) comments by Kiarapanther

Comments by Date (11)
I had to summon him twice to battle-stone him. The second time I had my bag open and ready and hit him quick before he keeled over.
On Shadowmoon I couldn't find any giraffe calves so I switched over to Feathermoon. Second group I found has two giraffe calves. I grab one of them for battle and the companion pet is a rare Emerald Boa, my other hard to find above grey pet. GAHH!! I decide to grab the giraffe. After winning that battle I battle the 2nd calf and it is also a rare but with a poor Emerald Boa. Double GAH!! But I have my rare Giraffe Calf. I will continue my search for the Emerald Boa later.
Yes Finally!! Took me two weeks of an hour or more a day but I finally found a rare one. I love this little guy and I really wanted a rare and one finally showed up a few minutes ago. Now I'm running around leveling him up. YAY!
So glad I have this little guy. Bounces between my A and B team depending on what I'm doing. When I'm far from a friendly Stable Master and taking out wild pets faster than my 8 min heal can keep up with, this guy keeps me out in the field longer. No problems taking on pets higher level. His heal is pretty substantial and he hits hard.
Unknowingly did the quest chain that led to this little guy and well, as you can tell by my name, I love panthers. This guy toppled my last resistance to getting into battle pets. Didn't level him as a front liner at first, but in going after rares I found him useful in taking out the pets I didn't want to keep and now he is in my A team for taking down Rival petmasters. Going after more pets that have Devour.
Found a rare on my second day of trying, about fourth or fifth battle. Currently my headliner for all Rival battles. I love him to pieces. Taming all the pets with headbutt now.
Got tired of this not showing up as a addon in Eastern Kingdoms so I hopped on a horde toon and snagged one in Durotar. Hop back on high Alliance toon and continue going for rares in Stranglethorn and get two in a row as add ons. They were both poors though. Happy with my uncommon for now.
Everytime I came looking for one, I'd find only one and it was a common. Last night there were about ten spawned and no one else around. Took me to #9 to find an uncommon and #10 was a rare.
Been farming for a rare for about a week and it finally spawned in the early am. First time I went here there were four to battle but every other time I went there were only two. Early this morning (like 4am) there were again four and second one I battled was a rare!
It was raining on the isle, but there were no Baby Ape spawns and no one else on the isle. So I started killing every battle pet and critter that I could find on the isle. After my third pass at least a dozen Baby Apes had spawned and I found a rare on a second battle. I went through all of the spawns, killing all the poor and commons, and had a few more spawns before I noticed someone else was on the isle, so I left them to it. It seemed to rain for a very long time this time.
I have found the addon Cross Realm Assist addon very useful in getting this quest everyday. It took me at least 18 jumps today but I eventually found a server that had the quest (Zangarmarsh, actually). Just don't be dumb like me and not leave the raid group while trying to do the quest, and then have to do it again.