Krixooks' Comments
(9) comments by Krixooks

Comments by Date (9)
I've had a heap of fun playing with Scaley in Find Battle PvP.
He has great self-synergy with Rip->Toxic Bite->Fade, and don't forget, his dragon racial even procs on the backline!
Quite a good pet for PvP. I recommend a fast breed and take Phase Shift. Moonlight buffs its humanoid racial healing and magic damage, then Nether Blast ramps up very high. A lot of fun.
High speed, good ability synergy. Going to try this guy for PvP!
I just found one as its own spawn- as the main pet.
Out the front of Grim Batol in Twilight Highlands.
quite a useful moveset- water, dragonkin and elemental attacks.
scorched earth + deep burn hurts, and doesn't take friendly fire from scorched earth because of elemental racial bonus.
A great counter for the Twilight Clutch Sister.
Only pet in the game so far with Disruption. It often seems to remove enemy pet ability icons, but does not remove or interrupt the effect.
I have been running this pet with Pinch, Renewing Mists and Shell Shield. Perfect for taking care of Sunny Day pets.
Magic pets with low hp actually benefit more from their racial (Magic pets cannot be dealt more than 35% of their maximum health in one attack.)
So Anomalus can't take a hit higher than 362.
Anomalus has fantastic self-synergy.