Kuddles' Comments
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There are lots of these beetles, specially rare ones at the same location as Barrier Hermit Crabs, in Tusk Isle and Isle of Fang, the small islands to the south of Zandalar harbor. They usually show up as Hermit's second. So you just need to engage in a pet battle against a Barrier Hermit, and Golden Beetle and Leafy Flutterwing will join the fight.
No idea why even in the map Golden Beetle is listed as if it were exclusive of the Atal'Dazar area.
Can anyone confirm this? I have two of them, diffent breed. One is S/B and is blue. The other one is B/B and everytime I log in or switch characters, changes color. The blue one is always blue. Only the second one changes from red to blue, to red again.
Ranged players may find a bit complicated reunite the credits needed to purchase the garment this pet sells since you need to fullfill several conditions to obtain a credit:
Soul Trader must be at you side at all times. If you run from one place to other he's usually left behind, so you have to wait for him. Second, you (and he) must be near the corpse whe's going to suck. And finally, it must be YOU the one who delivers the killing shot: hunter and warlock pets will interfere with this.
This pet is directly attached to your authenticator, not your account, which means if you remove authenticator, Core Hound no longer will be available in game. It will became grey on your battle pets list and you won't be able to summon him even just as companion, until you re-activate the authenticator (mobile or keyring) or buy a new one. It will count for your captured pets though, despite the fact it is greyed and all his current stats and level will be preserved until you can reactivate him.
Creepy Crawlies came in two portrait sizes, the standard one which is very small, mostly the same size any other beetle pet, and the giant one, whose picture in the pet's book is so big, that barely fits. Except for the descomunal size, both are the same model and have the same habilities. The small one has 6 more speed points though.
Initially, I've found lots of poor and commons... after searching all over the place, finally got an uncommon one. After a full week camping, suddenly all moths become rare (no idea why, I just get lots of rares), so I could caught 5 of them in a row. Despite the fact all are rares, they have different stats. Level 2 can be 22, 23 or 26 speed (kept the 26 to myself, released others to make room for more pets). Also caught a level 1 with 13 speed, but when leveling up, became 23.
I've read the anonuncement where says due to a bug the glowfly is not available as rare, but I do have one already. Yes, it's pretty hard to find one, but there are rares out there ;)
This one does not count toward collector pet achievements. Even if you have more than one, none will be considered for the 25, 50 75, 150 250 or 400 pets achievements. However, will be registered on your pet journal as "collected", from where you can summon it anytime, but will not be included in your wow character profile, where simply does not exists. If you check your collected/not collected profile section, there's no entry for this one, so technically speaking, does not exists, at least, not for the records.
Rare one is indeed rare. I've challenged every pet in the zone for 4 days. Found lots of rare Robo chick, Rabidnuts and Hares in the process, but not this one in particular... Since I was farming Thorium along all the zone, didn't care much about it, simply leaved the town to allow the pets to respawn, collected some thorium and then come back. I just want to clarify that finally got, after 4 days, the rare one.
If you're looking for a rare one, note strangely has lower stats than uncommon ones. When battling, the rare is 1175, while uncommon are 1250+. So be careful, not always the one with higher stats is the good one.
There are tons of this frog along the river on the east of Ashenvale. Just follow the river in both directions (north and south). You'll find a few toads and lots of frogs. Rare has 280+ health.
She disappears when you leave Strangelthorn. She cannot exist outside this area. What confuses me is the fact she's not called Razzashi. She has a different name and I can't identify her anywhere
Only good quality pets ;)