Lieledra's Comments
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Re: Fleeting Frog
Found many available at night time on the west coast of Mechagon, several nights there. So make sure you check when it's late (or early) so you can get your frog.
Posted: August 26, 2020 7:24:40 AM
Edits: 1
Rating: 0
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Those that know me or my situation, know that between finances and medical conditions it's been hard for me to get in and play the game as much as I used to. Between taking care of the 'old man' and trying to figure out the source of my chronic pain issues, sitting in an office chair is not easy for me. Not for extended periods of time anyway. I still try though! I've even gotten creative with the use of lots of cables attached to our old 'seen better days" laptop. Many days I just don't want to because I don't feel well. But again, I'm still trying.