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Marlene's Comments

(2) comments by Marlene

Status Update (1)

I used my 1-25 token on the Pink Elelphant. I have't named him yet. Lookin for suggestions.

Favorite: Peanut (I've named him "Toot", Kekek and the Moonkin Hatchling - his name is Raphael.


I just got: Black Jelly 


Crockalisk: 3/4


Black Rat: RAWR! this rat is the bane of my exsistance. STILL haven't fished him up.


Kirin Tor Higher Learning Books 0/8



I'm on Draka - US Alliance side! :D I am Calien. Whisper to me if you want to chat.

Posted: January 09, 2018 8:06:25 AM

Additional Comments by Date (1)

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I'm struggling trying to get down there. I'm back from a long hiatus of playing and everytime I head down into the sewers I get killed. How do I get down there without dying? I've been trying to get this guys for YEARS and still don't have him . So frustrating. :(

Posted: February 01, 2018 6:04:01 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
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