Minniemage's Comments
(12) comments by Minniemage

Comments by Date (12)
Love this pet, strong in battles and flys on a broom! What more could you ask for?! Bought mine with Halloween candy via vendor last year!
Birthday gift from my cousin! One of my favs! So cute!
Crystalong Forest:Forlorn Woods: Between the F O R.. In the word Forlorn! Leave an alt there and check hourly! Got 2 of them both uncommon but I'll use a stone on her! One of my fav pets! Tip: Use a level 25 Tainted Waveling, bring her down quick before she uses her suicide move! She did that to me the first time she spawned and I lost her! Had to wait 3 days b4 she spawned in that location again! Use level 25 moths to kill the other remaining pets! Good luck!
Got this pet at the first drop! Thank goodness!
Killed her 6 times and she dropped! She's a beauty and @ level 25 very strong! Love her! Don't give up!
Took 2 days for it to drop! But can't complain I got this pet and Jadefire within 10 min apart! Oh happy day!! :)
My 8yr old comes screaming in my bedroom I GOT A NEW PET FOR US! When I seen it was this pet from a Blingtron 4000 I was thrilled! Figured let him use his Pokemon skills on wow! It's working so far! Lol
Total of 80 keys and he dropped! -_-
Finally got one after two full days of farming them! Don't give up!
Killed her over 20 times on Wednesday and nothing! Following day killed her once and it dropped! She's gorgeous too!
Took 4hrs of looting nests and about 150g in total repair for this pet. Those cranes come at you like a monkey on a cupcake!
Killed for about 4hrs yesterday and logged on today. After an hour of farming it dropped! Try killing them in groups instead of 1 by 1 the loot got more interesting and pet dropped quick!!