Motosyko21's Comments
(3) comments by Motosyko21

Comments by Date (3)
1-3 of 3
Wow, 1/1000 odds sounds about right. Took hours but I finally got one, rare. Now for that Sprite Darter Hatchling...
Posted: January 10, 2015 7:48:31 PM
Edits: 0
Rating: 0
I don't know if this pet has been nerfed or what, but by the time I got him up past level 20, he became far to squishy and his abilities far too weak to be very viable in battle. Its a shame.
Posted: January 08, 2015 8:10:58 AM
Edits: 0
Rating: +1
1-3 of 3
I had no idea this was a rare spawn. I was just cruisin around Felwood, saw one on my radar and took my time gettin to it. By the time I reached it, saw a crowd of 3 other players already standing there, looking very disappointed.