Nagflar's Comments
(3) comments by Nagflar

Comments by Date (3)
If you just camping and waiting for Blighthawk to spawn you will need longer time to get rare because some how the spawnning rate is long.
Fight the Black rats along the Western Pluagelands. There is high chance that Blighthawk come as secondary pets. Good luck just got my Rare H.P and H.H rare both form the black rat.
Catching a rare Crow will be very pain. prepare a few hour for keep battle the Glowfiles.
for Breed . Crow have 4 breed . SS. PS . PB . BB
some say SS is the best for PVP . but i still newbie in pets battle . SO far i manage get rare PB. and and rare SS , a rare BB. after spend more than24 hour . worth the efford ? i will say get a poor quality crow with the Breed you want and stone it . This is more efficient.
so good luck guy .
Just buy it Cute pets . i can't wait see how this pup performace in PVP. any Please support Charity . :)