Nerthel's Comments
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DarthEnder, I do believe that "RwL VI: Mists of Shandaria" will have new pets for the meta achievement as ToT and SoO are the only drop sources for battle pets. We have a total of 9 pets from those raidsĀ (10 if we count theĀ Living Sandling). In RwL V we have 15 new drops plus the extra pet for completing the meta. So we can expect to get pets from MV, HoF and ToES to have a similar number to RwL V. Looking ahead, this will not be an issue for "RwL VII: Petlords of Draenor".
Glass half full: Yay, another Raiding With Leashes with 16 pets.
Glass half empty: this was maybe the only opportunity to introduce Lil' Alexstrasza as a drop from Spine or Madness of Deathwing. Where is my life-binder? Sadness.
I reached 853 unique pets. My last addition was a gentle gift from my good fellow Montzz. Thank you very much! Update: I also got the Eye of Inquisition after 197 attempts. So happy to have 854 unique pets.