Phelgrahm's Comments
(24) comments by Phelgrahm

Comments by Date (24)
There are other more common birds with the same moveset and "better" breeds, but B/B is still fine against most Aquatics where this moveset works, and imagine the insane grind if this were available in many different and "better" breeds? With my luck I would kill 5000 mobs and have an H/B drop instead of the P/P or S/S I may have been hoping for... I own two of these in real life and unfortunately the battle pet looks more like a hawk than a parrot. Still a sentimental favorite.
B/B is slightly better for a Curse of Doom/Haunt combo strategy, especially when followed with a pet that can trigger the Shattered Defenses debuff (e.g. Zandalari Anklebiter using Hunting Party).
Spirebound Crab is also available in a P/P breed and has the same ability set.
@Syyina, I think your figures are for a level 23 rare -- a level 25 S/S, for example, has a 341 speed...
P/P would seem to be better for Emerald Dream, but P/S for Proto-Strike, which leads to a dilemma since they are both strong skills. One of each breed solves the problem. :-)
Be very careful if you are trying to capture one of these as Horde. The guards in the area will one shot you as a 120 and the graveyard is annoyingly far away. I gave up after 3 deaths and logged a level 60 Alliance gnome I happened to have at Ironforge...
Since you are most likely to be using this guy against a Flyer, Inner Vision can be useful against moves like Lift Off or Cocoon Strike where you would otherwise be blocked or miss with your normal strike. But also since you are most likely to be using this guy against a Flyer, Interrupting Gaze isn't useful at all since the Darkmoon Eye is so slow compared to Flyers...
This is the only spider with this moveset with an S/S breed with 325 speed and 1400 health. There are two other S/S spiders (Spider and Forest Spiderling), hower they have 341 speed and only 1237 health.
This and the Forest Spiderling are the only 2 spiders with this moveset with an S/S breed with 341 speed (level 25 rare).
I'm not sure why you would ever use Buried Treasure instead of Perk Up -- a 330 heal vs. a 478 heal + increased health cap. Same 3 round cooldown.
I caught a level 25 rare on Val'Sharah (downgraded to level 23 upon capture) -- so you can find these on the Broken Isles at a high level.
This pet requires 40 Champion's Seals to purchase. Champion's Seals are awarded from completing Argent Tournament related daily quests. However, you must first be attuned through a quest chain that itself takes a minimum of 8 days to complete. After attunement you will be able to earn 14 Seals per day -- so it will take three days of daily quests to earn enough Seals to buy the broom. The quests are grindy and some require travel across Northrend, but in the end are easy for a max level player.
To get to the area where the whelps spawn you need to defeat Xavius, the final boss of the Emerald Nightmare raid, but you can do this on the 10 man normal setting. I used a level 120 Blood DK (349) to solo. My capture team was Bonkers (or Kun-Lai), Terrible Turnip, and leveling pet. Bonkers absolutely destroys the whelplings, so be careful to switch to your Turnip for the whelpling you want to catch. Also, this is a great place to level pets or your character through pet battles.
I arrived at the location last night and found 3 Minfernals, all poor or common P/P and H/P, so I caught those. But I wanted a rare, so I decided to stick around to see how long it would take for things to respawn. In an hour or so of killing everything in the area, pets and mobs, a few new minfernals appeared -- the respawn seems very slow. So I left my character there overnight and when I checked this morning there were 8-10 of them. Got a rare P/P and went to work. :-)
Not mentioned on the location list, but I caught a rare level 25 (downgraded to 23 after capture) in Dalaran as a back-up to a Dust Bunny.
Great against Beasts, with natural defense (-33% damage), 2 avoidance moves, and the Haywire offensive ability which deals high Mechanical damage (i.e. anti-Beast) with reasonable 3 round cool-down.
Deadsea, I would agree, a H/P Shimmershell Snail for example seems a better choice with stronger damage, shield and healing. That said, you can find a level 23 Rapana Whelk easily whereas the Shimmershell starts around level 3-6 so can be slightly more of a project to get to 25. Tradeoff between H/P and H/B probably won't ever be much of a difference in fights.
I would suggest using the Caverns of Time portal in Dalaran, doing a quick check of the area in front of the Caverns and then just checking back another day if there are no whelplings to be seen. Not an inconvenient hunt at all.
On one pass I managed to catch 3 rare snails (Two H/P and one B/B, levels 3-6) in about 15 minutes. I didn't see many H/H, and regret releasing my Uncommon H/H to catch the third rare (I thought it was an H/H but it turned out to be H/P). So these seem to be plentiful and easy to find rares...
Seems to be the only pet with this moveset that comes in a P/P breed.