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Ruta's Comments

(3) comments by Site MVPRuta

Status Update (1)

Things are end of expansion quiet, I only have 28 pets unexcluded so any capture is unusual and so exciting.


Things of ground to a halt. Camping in Uldum for the Pyre of the Amalgamated One is as unsatisfying as ever. Still there is always The Forgotten to camp in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms for a change. Then there's capturing elemental souls with your handy Zapthrottle Soul Inhaler ad nauseam in Dragonflight zones for some fun...Not forgetting that there's always getting griefed in Maldraxxus trying to spawn the right ooze for Invertebrate Oil and the infinite grind for spare parts in Mechagon for the Armored Vaultbot.



Posted: May 28, 2024 7:45:01 AM

Additional Comments by Date (2)

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As it says in Wowhead (click the name of thing the pet Drops from):

"Pool is at 48.3 24.1 in the Abyssal Pool Area. You use Chum (the Uncommon/Green "Chum") to summon him in the "Eel Infested Waters" that spawns there, killing the spawning eels for more Chum (the Common/White "Chum").



Do this for a while and the rare will eventually spawn."

Posted: August 05, 2021 8:41:06 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0

I camped the snow globe for 40 minutes (exactly). So don't give up if the clock ticks passed the half hour mark. Good luck!

Posted: December 19, 2018 11:20:27 AM   |   Edits: 1   |   Rating: -1
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