SammyJoe's Comments
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Status Update (1)
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I found some as ride alongs for Sandyback Crawlers around the coast of Seawatch Point (52, 26)
I kinda actually want a "Dark Magic" category, especially if they have that black aura like the two examples do. :3
Has anyone sat down and figured out how many tricky treats we can get per character during this event? I am hoping to get all the pets, the toy AND the 1000 treat Lich-King costume. Eep.
This helped me out finding my 30th hopling. After 3 full searches through the dungeon after we had cleared it, I whipped the following macro thing out and found the last one cleverly hiding.
/tar Golden Hopling
/script SetRaidTargetIcon("target", 4)
I found a whole bunch of them underwater in Silithus. Tossed on my Kalu'ak Fishing Pole and dived in. Unfortunately, every single one of them keeps telling me "pet battle area is obstructed".
UPDATE: the bug where you cannot initiate combat while swimming is known and WoW is actively working on it.
I was able to find a few snails in an Ruuzel's Isle, just off the NW area of the beach. It was 8:30pm server time when I caught them.
- Go to the field just under SM
- Bring Tracker Snacks (a must)
- Turn off herb/mine tracking if you have it
- Look for all yellow dots (the red dots are mobs, avoid them)
I got the achievement on my first try on my main, and 2nd try on my alt. Very easy to do with tracker snacks!
Trying to play catchup before 9.1 hits xD
Working On
Necrolord Offerings [3/30]
Kyrian Offerings [2/30]
The Avowed Exalted [2155/6000]
Currently Farming
Quest Pets [6/8]
Bucketshell [23/400]
Covenant Event Pets [1/13]
Rare Drops [52/77]