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Shaynuhchanel's Comments

(2) comments by Shaynuhchanel

Status Update (1)

Just managed to get the Stormstruck Beaver!

Posted: September 19, 2016 12:10:43 AM

Additional Comments by Date (1)

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Okay, so I fell in love with this pet the moment he popped up on my radar. I ran around the area near the wrecked airship near the Skyfire Triage camp for about an hour and a half and continuously killed the pets that spawned. Whenever a pet was able to be battled, I usually did that too. Finally he spawned near the top of the waterfall by the quest NPC Whitewater Typhoon and I grabbed him as quickly as possible!

Posted: September 19, 2016 12:13:56 AM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: 0
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