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Tenterflex's Comments

(2) comments by Top RaterTenterflex

Status Update (1)

Most Recent Additions:


Molten Corgi

Most Wanted Pets:

Frostwolf Pup


Currently Working On:

Taken a break from collecting and levelling pets to enjoy Warlords!

Posted: December 03, 2014 5:03:46 PM

Additional Comments by Date (1)

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This little guy is the red recolour of the blue Spectral Porcupette (quest reward fromĀ A Large Pile of Giant Dinosaur Bones on Isle of Giants, which requires 999x Giant Dinosaur Bone) and the green Harmonious Porcupette (purchased from Mistweaver Ku for 7,500 Timeless Coins, requires Revered reputation with Emperor Shaohao). He is translucent in appearance and small flames are rising from his body.

Posted: October 28, 2013 5:54:13 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1
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