I'm seeing lots of comments about how cute or weird this guy is, but nothing about how is as a fighter. Egbert (boosted to rare w/ a stone) was my first lvl 25. He hits like a truck, especially against critters, which you're fighting a lot as a new pet tamer. His shield mitigates tons of damage, and he has a Feign Death ability which not only allows you to avoid big dmg abilities like Whirlpool or Burrow but also gives you a free swap (no free hit) with your highest HP pet.
Posted: January 09, 2014 5:18:28 AM
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Rating: +6
I'm seeing lots of comments about how cute or weird this guy is, but nothing about how is as a fighter. Egbert (boosted to rare w/ a stone) was my first lvl 25. He hits like a truck, especially against critters, which you're fighting a lot as a new pet tamer. His shield mitigates tons of damage, and he has a Feign Death ability which not only allows you to avoid big dmg abilities like Whirlpool or Burrow but also gives you a free swap (no free hit) with your highest HP pet.