Wrangler's Comments
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Go grannyglee!!! I'm like you retired & enjoying wow as well. My pet collecting is very similar to yours. Just got the Ancient Nest Guardian today. Good Luck collecting.
GM of Darkblade
The only way to improve this guy is have demolish at 75% instead of 50%. Great defensive skills. When demolish does hit the battle is over.
Very easy to level. Can't wait to use him in celestrial tounament.
I just got this guy & to my surprise this little guy is preaty tuff. He easilly kept up with my Ambisil Idol & Clockwork Gnome. I leveled them together & they made a formitable team.
Mine is an HH also. I use him offen in Pandera. Very hard to kill.
Focus Chi then 1000 fists is hard to beat. His top 20 ranking is low in my opinion.
This was one of my 1st 3 pets to 25. There is a soft spot in my heart for this guy.
Lol he's a handful to level.
Love this guy. Lots of healing options. Providing he doesn't get hit with a large damaging blow he can survive a 1x1 battle pretty easy.
Ancient Blessing is a bleesing. Great pet for Panderia. Can help almost any team.
I spent some time findind a rare. Finnally got him. Raised him to 25 with spurts of greatness & spurts of poorness. When he got to 25 the greatness has stuck with him. I think this guy is overlooked by many collecters. The Dung Beetle will suprise you.
Can't rememder when or how I got him. I have had him awhile. Probably an ooze bag. Anyway I leveled him right away. He was an easy pet to level. I will be getting him out more now as I am starting to put teams together.
I have used this guy to get past several eletes in Pandara. Great guy for your team.
Great battler Headbutt & Healing wave make this guy hard to kill & packs a big punch. I use him when I'm not capturing anything. He will help me get to another battle faster.
I use this guy on my A team. His ability to pack a devistating punch is benificial on any team. Great battle pet.
I love all the Darkmoon Pets. Although this guy doesn't have the power & strength of the others. He has some traits that are very good. He has supprised me more than once.
This guy was fun to level to 25. He died several times but I think it was more my fault than his. I have a tendency to take them to there limits my bad. but he is a good pet for a flying team'
This is my baby! 1st rare 1st to level 25. Need I say more. For a pet battle pet this guy can & will get the job done. Just be careful who you battle with.
I am constantly leveling new pets & have my favorites on my 25 line. I haven't used him much but I'm sure i will in the future. He was fun to level.
I guess i missed somthing here. After reading all the comments here I'm going to see what I missed or forgot. I haven't used him since I leveled him. My bad.
I don't even have a post so how can i be spaming