I found a poor one and after several hours searching for a rare I upgraded the one I had with a stone. I found a use for him: protecting Level 1 pets on their first power-leveling battle against 25s. Use the Beaver Dam ability, which blocks two attacks. While the dam is up swap in a Level 1 pet, who is shielded from one attack. Swap the Level 1 back out, bring out a killer pet, and finish off the group. The Level 1 survives that critical first battle, gains 4 levels, and is on its way to 25.
I found a poor one and after several hours searching for a rare I upgraded the one I had with a stone. I found a use for him: protecting Level 1 pets on their first power-leveling battle against 25s. Use the Beaver Dam ability, which blocks two attacks. While the dam is up swap in a Level 1 pet, who is shielded from one attack. Swap the Level 1 back out, bring out a killer pet, and finish off the group. The Level 1 survives that critical first battle, gains 4 levels, and is on its way to 25.