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Zurio's Comments

(1) comment by Zurio

Comments by Date (1)

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This little boy is quite talkative and when summoned, he might tell You some puns like:

- I just got back from Hyjal, and boy are my arms fired!

- I normally don't say this about anyone other than myself, but you're on FIRE!

- A traveling vendor tried to offer me some water, but i told them, "You can't FUEL me!"

- I feel like I'm running out of jokes, almost like I'm burnt out. I'll tell you when I'm cookin' up some more.

- What did tirion say when he saw lights hope chapel on fire? Holy smokes!

Posted: July 25, 2023 6:38:58 PM   |   Edits: 0   |   Rating: +1
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