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Katmando's Profile

Username: Katmando Site MVP  
Character: Øtø (H)
Realm & Rank: Zul'jin-us (#7)
Connected Rank: Zul'jin-us (#7)
Pets Collected: 1716/1768
Pets Rated: 0/1768 — Appearance
0/1737 — Battle
Joined: June 11, 2019
Last Online: Yesterday
Community: Comments (0)
Forum Posts (7)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Katmando

Katmando's Collection:  View Katmando's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level*
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.1%
RareRare  99.9%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Duplicates do not count toward stats

About Katmando:

I started playing in Vanilla and tho i thought the pets were cool i was never much into them.  Took a break once Cata hit and didn't touch WoW for 5 years.


Then I met my GF and during the conversation WoW came up and found out she was on a break from playing as well.  Well we got serious and reactivated our accounts to play together ... this was the mid Legion.


She kept trying to get me into pet battles but there was just soo much other cooler stuff to re-learn so I kept putting her off. Then i did it ... and was totally hooked and got into whole Hogger !


To me, chasing pets and pet battles is theraputic and relaxing and I went on a mission where everything i did in WoW was for the sole purpose of working towards getting this or that pet.


 After all ...

" It's all about the Pets ! "

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