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Vigournet's Profile

Username: Vigournet Top Rater  
Character: Mercedez (A)
Realm & Rank: Stormrage-eu (#6)
Connected Rank: Stormrage-eu (#10)
Pets Collected: 1046/1768
Pets Rated: 144/1768 — Appearance
135/1737 — Battle
Joined: January 06, 2015
Last Online: January 19, 2023
Community: Comments (6)
Forum Posts (1)
Messaging: Enabled Contact Vigournet

Vigournet Says: 

My main is levelling pets by getting the stones.

Posted Jan 17, 2023 at 10:43am

Vigournet's Collection:  View Vigournet's Pets

Pet ScoreWhat is pet score?
Unique Pets
Pets at Max Level
Average Pet Level*
PoorPoor  0.0%
CommonCommon  0.0%
UncommonUncommon  0.0%
RareRare  0.0%
EpicEpic  0.0%
LegendaryLegendary  0.0%
Realm & Rank
Site Rank
*Collection data purged per accordance with Blizzard API rules

About Vigournet:

My son got me into WOW, and he is 36, so I guess that means I am pretty old for a gamer! My first character was a priest but my main is now my hunter. Most of my characters are Alliance on Stormrage on the EU server. I started my battle pets some time back and love collecting and levelling them. I have also started gathering mounts and toys...sad huh?


In real life I am retired but busy with three grandchildren, on the board of a housing association, doing an Open University degree, public speaking, church leadership and writing. I have published my debut novel July 2016 it is called The Eden Tree and has some WOW players featured.


i look at some of the collections on leader boards and think "Amazing!" My goal is to keep collecting and levelling until I am at least in the top 25 on my realm. I wish everyone good luck on The Broken Isles. 

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