It has been a long time since I could play WoW because of my Multiple Sclerosis. Keeping up with the game has been difficult.
I have eight accounts, mostly from RAF, to collect pets. I started managing a bank guild and working on achievements with my account and one from my partner.
While I was offline for nearly two years due to my illness, I got hacked. They took all my pets and everything from my bank. I eventually got some of my lost items back, but when I logged back in, I found that I had lost several duplicates and some TCG pets. I had to buy the Legion Eye and Hypogryph again.
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It has been a long time since I could play WoW because of my Multiple Sclerosis. Keeping up with the game has been difficult.
I have eight accounts, mostly from RAF, to collect pets. I started managing a bank guild and working on achievements with my account and one from my partner.
While I was offline for nearly two years due to my illness, I got hacked. They took all my pets and everything from my bank. I eventually got some of my lost items back, but when I logged back in, I found that I had lost several duplicates and some TCG pets. I had to buy the Legion Eye and Hypogryph again.
KavaltiiaEven though I am missing a lot, looking at my list here has inspired me to return to the game. Thank you!
Back after a long while. This time I'm quite interested in collecting Murloc pets. Obviously any that are easily obtainable.
New here, cool site!