Site Achievements
As a member of WarcraftPets, you can earn a distinguished color-code and badge.
Site MVP
The "MVP" (Most Valuable Patron) badge is reserved for special members who have gone above and beyond to help support the site. When you're an MVP, your comments appear in green and really stand out!
Top Rater
Members who have a "Top Rater" badge have logged at least 250 pet ratings on WarcraftPets. In addition, any members who had rated every pet under our old rating system have retained their "Top Rater" status.
Pet Hound
"Pet Hound" is a special honor bestowed upon collectors who have managed to obtain every pet that they set out to collect. This emblem disappears whenever a new pet is added to the site, but it may be restored if you collect the pet or exclude it from your collection. Note that to avoid exploits, this badge is only visible to you.
Site Admin
Site Admins develop and moderate the site. Additionally, they respond to the questions and concerns of site visitors. Admins are selected based on prior experience, writing skills, and knowledge of Warcraft companions. Check out the Meet the Team write-up to learn about each of our admins.