A lot of exciting
PTR news is coming in, including many pet-related changes. A list of all newly reported pets is shown below (note: these are all
unconfirmed at the moment).
Argent Tournament Pets
A new world event,
The Argent Tournament, will bring many new challenges, quests, achievements and rewards, including many new pets! Players can earn the right to represent each race's faction in the tournament, with the highest achievement being able to represent all of the races. In recognition of your efforts you will receive Champion's Seals, which you can use to purchase items such as
pets, tabards, mounts and gear from the quartermasters.
Northrend Children's Week Pets
For everyone who was wondering about and hoping for new Northrend pets for Children's Week, it looks like there will be Gorloc and Wolvar orphans to care for. And for everyone who does a good job, there are pet counterparts of these critters to be awarded!
Noblegarden Pet
A new achievement for Noblegarden has popped up: "Spring Fling - Find your pet Spring Rabbit another one to love in each of the towns listed below." So it looks like we will all be getting bunnies for Easter!
Murkimus the Gladiator
Finally, the
Armored Murloc, for which many of us will battle tirelessly for weeks, has a name - Murkimus the Gladiator!
Complete List - 19 new pets in 3.1 (unconfirmed):
- Spring Rabbit
- Plump Turkey
- Teldrassil Sproutling
- Tirisfal Batling
- Dun Morogh Cub
- Durotar Scorpion
- Alarming Clockbot
- Elwynn Lamb
- Mulgore Hatchling
- Ammen Vale Lashling
- Strand Crawler
- Enchanted Broom
- Argent Squire
- Mechanopeep
- Argent Gruntling
- Curious Gorloc Hatchling
- Curious Wolvar Pup
- Murkimus the Gladiator
- Sen'jin Fetish