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September 2011   « Archives | Current News »

TCG: Bloat the Bubble Fish

September 02, 2011
Fish in a bubble?
The next TCG expansion deck, Throne of the Tides, is getting its own sneak peak event and tournament on September 24, 2011 in Irvine, California. Winners of the tournament will receive loot card prizes from this upcoming deck, and amongst the three prizes, there is one particular card that will definitely interest pet collectors! [source]

Bubbles, My Bubbles!
One of the prizes for the tournament is "Bloat the Bubble Fish." There was speculation in early August that Throne of the Tides would indeed bring us a "fish in a bubble" pet, but this new revelation strengthens the possibility.

Currently, there's no other information on Bloat the Bubble Fish, but we hope to see some evidence that this pet will be available in the near future once the 4.3 PTR servers go up. Stay tuned for more updates and news on this bubbly pet!
Posted by Quintessence
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World of Petcraft #12

September 04, 2011
Enjoy our monthly web comic created for WoW pet collectors! We feature a new World of Petcraft strip on the first Sunday of each month.

World of Petcraft #12

About the Artist
Meaghan McLaughlin is an aspiring artist and the author of "Nerds Illustrated." You can enjoy more of her work here.
Posted by Breanni
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WoW Magazine Cancellation yields Free Pets

September 18, 2011
MMO-Champion recently reported that the World of Warcraft magazine is being discontinued, and to compensate for any remaining subscription time for those that subscribed to the magazine, Blizzard is offering a few options. [source]

Pet Package
One of the possible choices is a package containing 6 of the Blizzard PetStore non-combat companions! Unfortunately, this does not include the Gryphon Hatchling and Wind Rider Cub. Even so, this is quite a hefty bundle of little friends that can be added to your collection or even gifted to friends and family.

Limited Time Offer
As noted on MMO-Champion, there's only a little time left (about two weeks) to request for a refund on the remaining balance of your subscription or your choice of the other possible compensation options. So be sure to act soon before this chance of adopting 6 PetStore companions all at once slips away!
Posted by Quintessence
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New Pet! Purple Puffer

September 27, 2011
Purple Puffer loot card
There are still a couple of weeks before the official release date (October 11, 2011) of the next TCG expansion deck, Throne of the Tides, but thankfully the mini-pet loot card has been confirmed. As was mentioned earlier in the month, the next TCG companion will indeed be a Purple Puffer pet fish via the Bloat the Bubble Fish loot card!

A Small Preview
The details about this pet are still unknown, but we are hopeful that some light will be shed on this unique companion once the 4.3 PTR is up and running in the near future.

In the meantime, WoWTCGLoot has a preview of the actual loot card. Hopefully this teaser will help tide us over until the actual in-game item and pet are revealed.

Purple Puffer Fish Presale
Once more, we will be partnering with WoWTCGLoot to bring you another great presale. You can be one of the first players on your server with a pet fish! We'll also offer another special promotion for those who participate in the presale, so keep an eye out for that announcement sometime next week.
Posted by Quintessence

4.3 PTR: 14 Possible New Pets!

September 28, 2011
The 4.3 PTR is now up and running and MMO-Champion has already datamined at least 14 new pets and a few tooltip changes to 4 others! [source]

Potential Pets
The new possible pets include:

  • Darkmoon Balloon
  • Darkmoon Cub
  • Darkmoon Monkey
  • Darkmoon Tonk
  • Darkmoon Turtle
  • Darkmoon Zeppelin
  • Festival Lantern
  • Fetish Shaman
  • Lumpy
  • Lunar Lantern
  • Sea Pony
  • Gregarious Grell - future TCG deck, "Crown of Heaven", common loot card
  • Purple Puffer - upcoming TCG deck, "Throne of the Tides", common loot card
  • Sand Scarab - future TCG deck, "Tomb of the Forgotten", common loot card

It should be noted that although three new TCG pets have been discovered on the PTR with corresponding expansion decks, it will take at least a month or two after the release of each deck before we will see signs of the next one.

Also, since these are datamined, keep in mind that they may not go live right away (or ever) with the release of 4.3. Still, we remain hopeful that we will get to see live versions of many of these pets in the future!

Winter Veil Pets Changed
New pets weren't the only things found within the PTR data, there were some changes to the existing Winter Veil mini-pets as well. The snowball requirement to summon them has been removed, and all of their tooltips have been updated.
  • Father Winter's Helper no longer requires a Snowball. Helpers are very busy year-round, and only have leisure time during the Feast of Winter Veil.
  • Tiny Snowman no longer requires a Snowball. The snowman is larger and lasts longer during Winter Veil.
  • Winter Reindeer no longer requires a Snowball. The Winter Reindeer only dresses up for Winter Veil.
  • Winter's Little Helper no longer requires a Snowball. Helpers are very busy year-round, and only have leisure time during the Feast of Winter Veil.

As their updated tooltips indicate, these four festive companions behave differently when summoned during non-Winter Veil days. Both the Helper companions will do a "no" emote, and then promptly hearth (back to Father Winter's side, no doubt!) The Tiny Snowman has a much more graphic departure, as it tumbles over and falls apart after a few seconds. Thankfully, it's not a permanent farewell for any of these pets, and you can re-summon them again.
Posted by Quintessence
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WarcraftPets Facebook Contest

September 30, 2011
WarcraftPets Facebook Contest - Win cool pets!
WarcraftPets is hosting a contest on our official Facebook page! We'll be giving away six of the Blizzard PetStore companions (that were kindly donated by members of our awesome WarcraftPets community).

How to Enter
To enter, simply go to our Blizzard Store Pets photo album on Facebook, click on the image of the pet you desire, and leave a comment with your WarcraftPets username. It's that simple! You can enter for a chance to win all six pets, but only one entry per pet, per person.

Winners will be randomly selected on Sunday, October 2, 2011, so be sure to enter soon. Good luck!

Don't forget to "Like" our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for future updates and possible contest news!
Posted by Quintessence
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