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July 2013   « Archives | Current News »

5.4 PTR: Timeless Isle Speculation

July 06, 2013
A new zone is being added in Patch 5.4 called the Timeless Isle. According to the PTR patch notes, this area will include a new pet battle tournament. [source]

Celestial pets
More details have yet to be released and the isle is currently not open for testing. However, the PTR Pet Journal has revealed that four new pets will be obtained through the tournament.

  • Chi-Chi, Hatchling of Chi-Ji
    - Bind on Pick Up, not cageable
  • Yu'la, Broodling of Yu'lon
    - Bind on Pick Up, not cageable
  • Xu-Fu, Cub of Xuen
    - Bind on Pick Up, not cageable
  • Zao, Calfling of Niuzao
    - Bind on Pick Up, not cageable

Players will be able to purchase one of each celestial aspect from a "Tournament of Celestials" vendor, but it's unknown how much each pet will cost and what currency players will need to use.

There are two possible currencies: Celestial Coins or Timeless Coins. The Celestial Coins can be earned by completing the weekly quest, The Celestial Tournament.

Battling In the Tournament
Based on the achievement, Master of the Masters, players will be facing at least 13 different trainers at the tournament, but it's possible that there may be more.

Will players have to battle each one on a daily basis? Or will the trainers be on a daily or weekly rotation? Hopefully we'll find out once the tournament opens up for testing on the PTR!

Every trainer needs a solid team of three, right? Many new NPC pets were added in a recent PTR update, and there's some speculation over which pets will be assigned to which trainer. Some interesting names have popped up, including Socks (originally from the quest SI:7 Report: Fire From the Sky), and an elemental pet named Au that has gold-imbued attacks. How clever!

In addition to the Celestial Tournament, there appears to be a Celestial Tournament scenario, but it's unclear if the tournament and the scenario are two separate events or one in the same.

Testing for the events and zone is currently closed on the PTR, but once it opens up, we'll be sure to have all the latest updates. Stay tuned!
Posted by Quintessence
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World of Petcraft #34

July 10, 2013
Enjoy our monthly web comic created for WoW pet collectors! We feature a new World of Petcraft strip every month.

World of Petcraft #34
About the Artist
Meaghan McLaughlin is an aspiring artist and the author of "Nerds Illustrated." She's currently available to create custom WoW artwork.
Posted by Breanni
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Smart Pet Search, Top 20 Battle Pets, and Other Updates

July 12, 2013
It's Winter Veil in July at WarcraftPets! We've got a bunch of shiny new toys for you to play with on our site!

Smart Pet Search
You've had access to our Pet Filters for as long as we've been around. They've probably helped you narrow down which pets to collect. But they probably haven't been as useful for finding the perfect battle pets...

Enter our new Smart Pet Search!

Smart Pet Search

This tool provides a more intuitive interface to help you identify exactly which pets will serve you best in battle. Narrow your search by family, strong/weak against, capturable levels, available breeds... you name it!

You can access this search by clicking the 'Smart Pet Search' link directly under our main search field. You can also find it in the "Tools" menu.

Best Battle Pets
And speaking of battle pets, ever wonder which pets are the toughest? Or the speediest? Or most powerful?

Check out our Best Battle Pets page!

Best Battle Pets

This page features the top 20 pets for each stat: HealthHealth, PowerPower, SpeedSpeed. They're ranked highest to lowest by their max level values. Tied pets are further ordered by their community ratings.

Random Pet
With nearly 600 different pets now scuttling across the World of Warcraft, it's easy to overlook so many of them. So why not roll the dice to see what pet fate serves up!

Random Pet

Spin the pet wheel of fortune anytime! We've added a "Random Pet" button at the bottom of every pet profile. You'll also find a link under the "Pets" menu.

New Filter: Conditional Spawn
Curious about which pets found in the wild only spawn at night? Or during a specific season?

You can see all 12 pets with conditional spawns using the new "Has conditional spawn" filter on our Pet Filters page. You'll find it under the "Pet Properties" group.

Other UI Improvements
Winter Veil in July just keeps on giving! Here are some other usability improvements we've made to further your enjoyment of our site.

Search autocomplete
Search Autocomplete - Whenever you use our primary search box to find a pet or ability, you'll now get a list of suggestions based on the first few letters you enter.

Collection Customization - You'll notice that we've updated the Collection Management section of our site.

The third option is 'Customize List' — the mechanics are essentially the same as when it was called 'Exclusions'. But we've added some new options and tips to make the process a little easier, especially for new users.

Pets with Upgrade Potential - Many of you have been asking for a way to print a list of which pets in your collection can be upgraded. So we've updated your Printable Checklist with an option to show only those pets in need of an upgrade. Their quality is displayed with the traditional colors.

Navigation Updates - We've streamlined our navigation bar and added 'Guides' as a tab on its own, making some of our most popular pages a little easier to find. We've also consolidated our 'About' section within our 'Help' menu.

A Big Thanks to You!
As always, we owe a big thanks to you, the pet collecting/battling community! If not for your feedback, updates like these wouldn't be possible.

I'd also like to extend a special thanks to our Site MVPs for their ongoing support. You guys are a huge part of why WarcraftPets remains the best site around for pet enthusiasts. Thanks!
Posted by Breanni
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5.4 PTR: Lil' Bling and 17 New Datamined Pets

July 17, 2013
If you haven't made it a habit to speak with a Blingtron 4000 on a daily basis yet, you won't want to miss a day once 5.4 is released!

Lil' Bling
A shiny new pet was added to the Pet Journal on the PTR recently, Lil' Bling! As its name suggests this pet will be a drop from the daily "Blingtron Gift Package". Although the item that teaches Lil' Bling is BoP, this pet can be caged once it's added to your Pet Journal.

17 New Pets
In the latest PTR build, 17 new pet summoning spells were datamined! [source]

Some notable pets include the Skunky Alemental which might be similar to the Brew Alementals found inside Stormstout Brewery, and we can only wonder what a Gooey Sha-ling will look like! Kovi-Wovi is taught from the item Kovok, which shares the same name as the giant Klaxxi NPC found in the Dread Wastes. This might be our first Klaxxi companion!

  • Ashleaft Spriteling
  • Ashwing Moth*
  • Azure Crane Chick
  • Blackfuse Bombling
  • Bloodcove Droplet
  • Dandelion Frolicker
  • Death Adder Hatchling
  • Droplet of Y'Shaarj
  • Flamering Moth*
  • Gooey Sha-ling
  • Jademist Dancer
  • Kovi-Wovi
  • Ominous Flame
  • Skunky Alemental
  • Skywisp Moth*
  • Spineclaw Crab
  • Young Gulp Frog

All but three (as indicated with an asterisk) of the pets listed are Bind on Pick Up, however it's still unknown how players will be able to obtain each one. It's also unclear if these pets will be cageable. We'll have to wait and see!

Datamined Pets Galore!
With these 17 latest additions, there is now a total of 26 datamined pets for patch 5.4. Keep in mind that although they have appeared in the PTR game files, this does not guarantee that they will be released in 5.4 or even ever.

That won't stop us from hoping and oogling over the possibilities, though! Take a look at a list of all the possible pets coming in 5.4.

View all 5.4 datamined pets
Posted by Quintessence
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5.4 PTR: Celestial Tournament Overview

July 24, 2013
UPDATE: According to Senior Game Designer, Jonathan LeCraft, the teams players must battle in the Celstial Tournament will change each weekly reset. [source]

The Celestial Tournament will be a new event held on the Timeless Isle in the upcoming 5.4 patch. There will be new pets to collect, battles to fight, and even vanity items for your vanity pets!

The Celestial Tournament
Ready to put your pets and your ability as a Trainer to the ultimate test? Hopefully the Celestial Tournament will prove to be a fun challenge for you!

To be eligible for this unique event, players must have at least 30 maximum leveled pets. However, Community Manager Crithto has mentioned on Twitter that the number of max level pets required to enter the tournament will be reduced to 15 in a future PTR build. [source]

An NPC located at The Celestial Court, Master Li, will provide you with a weekly quest, and will also place you into a solo-queue to enter the Celestial Tournament scenario.

Celestial Tournament Queue window
Upon entering the scenario you'll be transported into an instanced version of the zone, however exploration of the area is mainly limited to the main courtyard. Don't let that get you down, though, because that's where all the action takes place!

Battling...With a Catch!
The scenario is made up of two phases, with a total of seven battles. In phase one, you must defeat three NPC opponents and their legendary pet teams, while phase two will have four single legendary pets you must triumph over. Seems pretty straight forward, so what makes this event a unique challenge?

While in the scenario, you will not be allowed heal or revive any of your pets. To heal your pets, you must leave the event, however this resets your battling progress if you haven't completed the scenario objectives. So pick your teams wisely and use all of your pet battling knowledge and skill to complete the weekly quest.

Four New Pets
Celestial pets
The weekly quest will reward a new type of currency, Celestial Coins, and players will be able to use them to purchase four new celestial pets. Each one is a smaller (and cuter!) version of their larger counterparts, and will cost 3 coins each.

Players can earn one coin per week, however completing the quest for the first time will unlock a one time quest, The Rainy Day is Here, which rewards two coins. Just think, we'll be able to earn a new pet after just the first week of completing the Celestial Tournament scenario!

Pamper Your Pug
The Timeless Isle is not only for battlers seeking a challenge. Similar to the "Lil' Gear" idea in our 2012 April Fool's gag, collectors might be able to purchase items to properly pamper their Perky Pugs.

A rare spawn vendor NPC named Whizzig will occasionally appear for a short period of time at various spots on the perimeter of The Celestial Court. He's a dapper looking fellow riding on top of a giant snail; be on the look out!

Whizzig sells four unique items that should fit just right on a playful pup, as well as some Pet Biscuits. Each item costs 500 Timeless Coins.

These items seem to be unfinished still, so there aren't any previews of a Perky Pug in full costume yet. Just imagine how darling they'll look, though!

An Island Full of Discovery
The Timeless Isle is full of mystery and there are still many things yet to be discovered. In addition to the Celestial Tournament, it's possible that some new wild and rare spawn dropped pets may also turn up. So get your pet collection ready and your adventuring boots on — the Timeless Isle awaits in 5.4!

Can't wait for 5.4? The Celestial Tournament is currently open for testing on the PTR, so check it out and then leave some constructive feedback for the developers.
Posted by Quintessence
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5.4 PTR: Seven New Pets - 33 New Pets Total!

July 26, 2013
UPDATE: In the most recent PTR build, another pet was discovered, the Sky Lantern, making the total of possible 5.4 pets 33! [source]

5.4 PTR: Six New Pets
Earlier this week a new PTR build was released, and six new pets were added to the game. [source]

  • Bonkers - From the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and not cageable
  • Gu'chi Swarmling - Drop from the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
  • Harmonious Porcupette - From a vendor on the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
  • Jadefire Spirit - Drop from the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable
  • Rotten Little Helper - From Winter Veil event, Bind on Equip and cageable
  • Vengeful Porcupette - From vendor on the Timeless Isle, Bind on Pick Up and cageable

With the addition of these six seven pets, there may be a total of 33 new pets coming in the next patch. We're definitely going to be busy collectors (and battlers) in 5.4!

Curious about where to find all these awesome new pets?

View all 5.4 datamined pets
Posted by Quintessence
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Macabre Marionette Will Be a Permanent Pet (Soon™)

July 29, 2013
Macabre Marionette
The Macabre Marionette has been on every collector's wishlist ever since it was first debuted in 2009. At the time it was discovered that it was not a true pet and was only a temporary vanity item, much to our disappointment.

However, all that is about to change; hopefully in the near future!

Dave Maldonado, a Blizzard game designer, recently Tweeted an image that is sure to make all Macabre Marionette enthusiasts giddy. The marionette even shows off its dance moves! [source]

In addition to this teaser, the Macabre Marionette pet spell was also found in the latest PTR game files. It can also be previewed in the Pet Journal on the PTR.

With cool dance moves and battle abilities, it would seem that the marionette will finally be released as a permanent companion!

Coming Soon™
Although this pet might be released with 5.4, we will have to wait until the in-game Day of the Dead event to actually see the marionette. So cross your fingers and hopefully it will be available during this year's holiday.

It's currently unclear if it will be available from a short quest, in the same fashion as previous years, or if there will be a new method of obtaining it.

Either way, it's great to see that the Macabre Marionette will finally be able to join our pet collections. It's been a long time coming, but worth the wait. Rock on lil' skeleton friend!
Posted by Quintessence
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