A new pet, Argi, is now available for adoption from the Blizzard Store. This adorable little spacegoat costs $10 and is part of a limited time charity drive.
From December 3 through December 31, 100% of all Argi adoption proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross, a nonprofit organization, in an effort to help the Ebola relief efforts. [source]
Argi will certainly be a thoughtful gift for a friend or loved one (or even yourself!) this holiday season.
So I bought this for myself a couple of days ago and at that time the gift option was NOT available. Decided to check again yesterday and boom.... there it was, the gift button right next to the 'buy' option. So, I bought one as a gift for my boyfriend and about an hour or two later I get an email from Blizzard saying that the pet is not giftable and that was a mistake and they are refunding my money. What the hell? Why not let it be giftable? They just lost out on $10 from me alone.
Strange. I still don't see the option. I asked on the forums and a blue said it's not up yet as of about an hour ago. I guess some people can see it and some can't.
The pet is giftable, the mount and bundle are not. I went to the check out screen twice today (once a couple of hours ago and once at 4am) the gift option was available. Selected "Gift" and it asked for email. I don't know what would cause you not to see it. US customers have a Gift option though.
Dasaq, where do you see it's become giftable? Is it cageable now or something? I don't see any gift option in the store. Is the bundle giftable?
The Argi pet has now become Giftable!
"I'm guessing buying the mount/pet pack won't yield money for the relief efforts, will it?"
$10 Will be Donated from each Bundle Sale.
I'm guessing buying the mount/pet pack won't yield money for the relief efforts, will it?
A nice pet, and of course I bought it, but I wish Blizz didn't always stiff their European customers on the exchange rate. $10 US should be just a little over 8 euros not 10, and in sterling should be £6.41 not £9!
A little discrepancy in prices would be OK, but jacking up the price for their European customers by almost 25%, and for their British customers by almost 50%, is more than a bit cheeky!
For those queued or completed the purchase: the pet lands soulbound in your bag. Doesn't go to your mailbox.
Seems a lot of people are making negative speculations about the reason this shop item isn't able to be gifted at this time. I sure hope their concerns are unfounded, and that Blizz still plans to be donating the proceeds to Red Cross once the gift option is added.
No, it isn't a thoughtful gift, as it can't be gifted.
Got one for myself, but I had wanted to buy another for a friend, very sad that I can't.
mine did arrive a while after my comment, and double so, one in my bags and one in the mail.
ordered yesterday - this lunchtime its still not arrived, just checked and its changed from queued to complete. To be honest, Blizzard, you seem to have a bit of a problem at the moment - hopefully it will arrive soon.
Has anyone recieved theirs yet? Mine is "completed" and still no pet. Ive written a ticket and hopefully this will work :(
mine is still listed as qued almost 9 hours later, just updating on the issues.
Unfortunately, it is unable to be given as a gift at this time. :(
I would indeed make a great gift if you could actually gift it. But it drops, uncageable, directly into your bag upon purchase. :(
Just be aware that there is a bundle for the pet and a mount. I only ordered the pet, and am sad that I could have saved $5 if I ordered both.
Also, purchases are currently slammed and are being queued! You may not receive it the instant you log on. I've been waiting two hours now.
He's adorbs and I can't wait much longer!