Blizzard has announced the release date for Battle For Azeroth: August 14, 2018! [source]
Collectors that planned on getting the physical Collector's Edition but purchased the Digital Deluxe version of the expansion to receive the in-game rewards, rejoice! Details were revealed about upgrading to the Collector's Edition.
- If you bought the Standard OR Digital Deluxe copy of Battle for Azeroth and pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition, your Blizzard Balance credit will be the price you paid for the original copy.
- If you bought the Standard digital copy, upgraded to Digital Deluxe at a later date, then pre-ordered the Collector’s Edition of Battle for Azeroth, your Blizzard Balance credit will be the price you paid for the original Standard Edition.
BFA Pet Battle Content
Developers revealed in an interview with Tradechat that collection achievements will be getting some love in BFA. Watch the full interview here.
- Collection achievements will be increased in Battle for Azeroth (includes mounts and battle pets)
Additionally, developers previewed even more Pet Battle content during an interview with Hazelnuttygames! Watch the full interview here.
- New type of Pet Charm. This new charm will be used to purchase upgrade battlestones. Current Pet Charms can still be used to purchase existing rewards.
- Expansion will include new Pet Battle World Quests, "quirky things interspersed in the zones", plus new cats, chickens, and chicken hairstyles, as well as new pet ability mechanics for more hardcore players that are into pet PVE/PVP.
- Pet Battle Dungeons are in the works, however they will likely come later in the expansion.
- Blizzard does not want players to feel "forced" into pet PVP, however Family Brawler was a way to reward/challenge those interested in the activity while encouraging non-PVP'ers to try it.
- Pet PVP ranking/matchmaking system not quite the right fit for Pet Battles, likely not coming.
- More Family Familiar-esque achievements and challenges (minus the randomness of the Trainer spawning!)
- Reference to the Uuna questline and the new tech used to change a companion pet's appearance based on completed criteria and player actions. This tech may appear in Battle For Azeroth for other pets.
We can hardly wait for Battle For Azeroth! What Pet Battle content are you most excited for? Which Pet Dungeon do you think we'll be traveling to next? Let us know!
ive been looking for more info on the new collecting acheivment. the last one was for collecting 600 pets and cant wait to see what the next one is!
Do we know what exactly you'll still be able to buy with the old charms? Because I have over 20k left and want to know if I should stock on battlestones since I have everything else already
well i guess i can use my 2500 pet charms i have saved up then lol