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New Pet! Purple Puffer

September 27, 2011
Purple Puffer loot card
There are still a couple of weeks before the official release date (October 11, 2011) of the next TCG expansion deck, Throne of the Tides, but thankfully the mini-pet loot card has been confirmed. As was mentioned earlier in the month, the next TCG companion will indeed be a Purple Puffer pet fish via the Bloat the Bubble Fish loot card!

A Small Preview
The details about this pet are still unknown, but we are hopeful that some light will be shed on this unique companion once the 4.3 PTR is up and running in the near future.

In the meantime, WoWTCGLoot has a preview of the actual loot card. Hopefully this teaser will help tide us over until the actual in-game item and pet are revealed.

Purple Puffer Fish Presale
Once more, we will be partnering with WoWTCGLoot to bring you another great presale. You can be one of the first players on your server with a pet fish! We'll also offer another special promotion for those who participate in the presale, so keep an eye out for that announcement sometime next week.
Posted by Quintessence
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How can players participate in the presale for the Bloat the Bubble Fish loot card?

Edited by slope 1 day ago

Jun 13, 2024 at 4:50am | Edits: 0 | Borean Tundra-us | Pets: 0 Compare collections | Score: 0
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