My Pet Collection
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Vanity Pet Archival

At one time, counted the companions shown here as a true vanity pets. However, they were removed from the bestiary because they do not fulfill pet-based achievements. We've relisted them here for archival purposes.

Select a pet:
Blood Parrot
Blood Parrot summoned by [Bloodsail Admiral's Hat]

Quest: Avast, ye Admiral! [60]

Zone: The Cape of Stranglethorn

Coyote Spirit
Coyote Spirit summoned by [Don Carlos' Famous Hat]

Drop: Don Carlos

Zone: Old Hillsbrad Foothills (Heroic) [72+]

Drop Rate: 1 in 10

TIP: You can print an all-inclusive, fully customized checklist of your pet collection to use as a reference while you play.
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