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Over 90 New Legion Pets Added to WarcraftPets!

August 02, 2016
Over 90 New Legion Pets!Collectors may have noticed that with the pre-expansion patch came many new pets in the Pet Journal.

These unfamiliar faces belong to battle pets that will be available once Legion officially launches on August 30, 2016.

We're happy to announce that we've added 94 new companions to the WarcraftPets database.

Check out 94 New Legion Pets

We look forward to collecting these pets Soon™!

A Special Thank You...
We'd like to extend a big thank you to Site MVPWain, who has helped assemble the wonderful battle pet images for WarcraftPets over the years.

A huge congratulation is also in order — Wain has been handed the responsibility of managing the popular hunter pet database, Petopia. Congrats!

Unfortunately, this coupled with maintaining Warcraft Mounts will mean he will need to refocus his time and energy on these websites and less so on WarcraftPets.

We are forever grateful for Wain and all of his hard work, and we look forward to seeing Warcraft Mounts and Petopia flourish under his guidance.

...And a Special Welcome
With one chapter closing another begins. Please join us in welcoming Site MVPOoghra as our new art and image coordinator.

Her work has already been featured in this year's April Fool's joke, along with the banner for our Pet Battle Royale series.

We look forward to working with Ooghra!

As always, thank you to the entire community for your continued support. Without you, WarcraftPets would not be possible. Thank you!
Posted by Quintessence
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Site MVPMinivivi 
Rating: 0   [Report]

I visit the website daily and, without meaning to, I take it for granted that the industrious folks who run Warcraft Pets will always be on the job.

So, let me say just how much the site and those who keep it running perfectly mean to me.  KUDOS to each and everyone of you!

Thank you for the countless hours of time you have invested in the site and the finanical outlay to host it. affords pet collectors an incredibly lovely haven to meet and greet and talk up all things in the vast world of WoW pets.

Thank you 2 infinity & beyond.  

Aug 21, 2016 at 1:59pm | Edits: 0 | Medivh-us | Pets: 1570 Compare collections | Score: 12541
Rating: 0   [Report]

I bought the nursery spider, upgraded it lvl 25 rare and offered to sell it in trade chat. I had a dozen people wanting it, sold it for 6K. Soo.... I did it 11 more times. 70K off a 700g investment. I love it when people dont do any research and just spend gold.

Aug 14, 2016 at 2:52pm | Edits: 0 | Doomhammer-us | Pets: 1623 Compare collections | Score: 12965
Top RaterSóep 
Rating: +1   [Report]

I bought the Nursery Spider at Breanni in the Magical Menagerie ''old Dalaran'' for 160g (I'm exalted with the Kirin Tor). It's a basic green quality pet. Happy hunting !

Aug 9, 2016 at 11:35am | Edits: 1 | Alonsus-eu | Pets: 1858 Compare collections | Score: 14864
Top RaterMibeerlover 
Rating: +1   [Report]

I don't know about everyone else but I'm fired up about all the new pets to collect. 

Aug 7, 2016 at 12:07pm | Edits: 0 | Windrunner-us | Pets: 951 Compare collections | Score: 5677
Site MVPYazhi 
Rating: +5   [Report]

A huge welcome to the team Ooghra!!! 


And Wain, thank you for all you have done good luck to you.


I hope you guys have a lot of fun ^^

Aug 3, 2016 at 9:04am | Edits: 0 | Emerald Dream-eu | Pets: 918 Compare collections | Score: 4810
Rating: +9   [Report]

We often peruse the website, without ever thanking the hardworking folks behind Warcraft Pets. Than you all for your time, effort and money that allows us pet collectors a place to congregate, learn and discuss things all things WoW pets.


Y'all are awesome!

Aug 2, 2016 at 5:28pm | Edits: 0 | Kul Tiras-us | Pets: 517 Compare collections | Score: 2743
1-6 of 6

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