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The War Within Epic Edition: Three New Pet Rewards

June 10, 2024
Beta testing for The War Within has begun, and an awesome discovery was made regarding the bonus battle pet(s) that come with the Epic Edition of the expansion.

Previous datamining during Alpha testing revealed three additional storm gryphon hatchling colors. They were flagged with an "Epic Edition" source, but it was unclear if this was simply placeholder text or something else since Squally (pictured right) was already distributed as the Epic Edition pet.

Thanks to players on Beta we now know that purchasing the Epic Edition of The War Within will reward all four storm gryphon hatchling pets!

Flash, Gale, and Thundo

Players that summon Squally during a future patch (likely during 11.0 content) will receive a quest that unlocks the three additional hatchling colors. Collect Flash, Gale, and Thundo (pictured above) by completing this short quest chain. Check out patf0rd's screenshot for a quick glimpse of the upcoming quest.

This is certainly an unexpected yet welcome surprise. Who would have guessed that The War Within Epic Edition would reward not just one but four bonus pets? Now if only we could summon all of them at the same time...oh well, we can dream!

We'll add these three new baby gryphons to our database once they become collectible.
Posted by Quintessence
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Site MVPRanok 
Rating: 0   [Report]

Works out to only ten dollars per Gryphon.  Blizzard is sure pushing the Epic Edition premium price.  

Jun 18, 2024 at 3:41pm | Edits: 0 | Stormrage-us | Pets: 1711 Compare collections | Score: 13688
Top RaterMehetabel 
Rating: 0   [Report]

That's a great bonus surprise! 

Jun 13, 2024 at 8:31am | Edits: 0 | Lightbringer-eu | Pets: 1746 Compare collections | Score: 13965
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