Shore Crawler

Idles about.
Pit-pattering footsteps; vocalizations (on-click)
3 allowed
Mists of Pandaria
Patch 5.0.1 | Posted: September 25, 2012
The Shore Crawler is a trainable pet in Mists of Pandaria. However, only Goblins are offered this option from Battle Pet Trainers. Once learned, all characters will have access to this pet. Goblins may also learn this pet from Varzok in Orgrimar.
NOTE: Once this pet is learned, it cannot be learned again from the trainer even if the pet is caged and sold.

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1-11 of 11

Just upgraded a P/P one of these without it changing breeds. Used a Marked Flawless Battle-Stone, nothing fancy. Seems like whatever was causing them to change breeds in the past was fixed.
My S/B Crawler converted to B/B after upgraded to rare with a stone.
Shore Crawler can be found 52.36, 59.13. Sold by Varzok.
no if you have a p/p retired breed it will not randomly convert to b/b after caging/learning it regardless of where
So if I have a P/P breed caged and relearn it will it switch to a B/B breed?
The single breed available now is 3,13 (BB).
Does any one know, if I level a goblin to 10, buy the pet, then delete the goblin, will I still have the pet available to my remaining characters or di I have to keep the goblin?
I hope the breed they chose is 4,14, but can someone find out what the single breed is?
Brilliant Kaliri, Jade Tentacle, Tirisfal Batling, Firefly, Jade Crane Chick, Gilnean Raven, and Shore Crawler are no longer available in multiple breeds.
It seems that the bug was finally fixed today. My little goblin was now able to learn this pet.
There has been a bug with both the worgen and Pandaren pets, with new characters being unable to train the pet because they were unable to obtain 'Pet Training'. Not sure if Goblins have the same problem, but I would assume so. However, ticketing a GM and explaining the situation let me get the Pandaren's companion 'trained' to me. Therefore, if you're being bitten by this bug, opening a ticket is probably your best chance until Blizzard fixes this bug.