
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Ground (hovers)
Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
1 allowed
Patch 7.0.3 | Posted: August 2, 2016
Players must defeat the last boss of Maw of Souls on Mythic difficulty while maintaining the 'Poor Unfortunate Souls' buff on all party members.
1-9 of 9
1-9 of 9

Lagan can be soloed.
am looking for ppl who would group for this Lagan pet, you could ask me on doomhammer , Maybus , anytime
Got this guy with my guild tonight. You can do BRH on heroic and then leave the instance to port out quickly. You can do normal mythic with no key to get this now, which helps. Really strong elemental killer!
no longer tradeable
Can't be arsed to go for this pet, seriously. Painful groups and hours of wiping are just not appealing to me. I suppose I'll just wait a couple of expansions and get it by my own or just buy by then, since now paying 300k in my server is just too much for a casual like me.
Got this pet today after two attempts. The first attempt resulted in failure when we had Helya at 3% remaining HP. Her frontal cone caused someone to die. Remember to stand near the center so you can be prepared to go right or left for that ability. Come prepared for the achievement. Bring food and flasks. The whole process with preparation can take over an hour.
As far as the pet goes, this is quite an impressive anti-elemental! It offers a lot of utility and especially evasiveness. 1, 1, 1 seems like a great general-purpose setup, where you can start stacking Deep Bite while you have Dodge and Dive ready to counter annoying attacks. Lagan's speed isn't great, so it may work well with a speed-boosting pet.
The achievement Poor Unfortunate Souls is a reference to a song of Ursula as depicted in the Disney's animated The Little Mermaid movie, while Lagan as a name means sunken wreckage (that is mentioned in the flavour text aswell) and is in line with Flotsam and Jetsam, that besides being names of Ursula's two minions, they are also terms related to the abandoned marine supplies.
Battle-wise, it's a copy of Slithershock Elver, so we don't have to pray for any particular breed here. :)
Always nice to see another pet with Grasp that can beat Sunflowers and their filthy healing team.
-Edited for language, please keep it family friendly. Azaelia
Where's his good partner, Gurren?