Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu

Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when picked up
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Brief animation over Ban-Fu's head when the player summons the Ban-lu, Grandmaster's Companion mount.
Legion expansion required.
1 allowed
Patch 7.2.0 | Posted: March 28, 2017
This pet is only available to Monks, however any class can summon it once it has been added to your collection.
Players must complete the following prior to purchasing this pet:
1. Reach level 110.
2. Complete class campaign.
3. Unlock and complete the Broken Shore campaign.
4. Complete the class mount quest(s) to unlock the pets on the vendor. (requires step 3)
5. Level weapon(s) to 52. (must earn Power Ascended (weapon level 52) for at least one Monk artifact weapon)
6. Buy desired pet!
There is a total of 9 battle pets that can only be obtained by specific classes.
Players must complete the following prior to purchasing this pet:
1. Reach level 110.
2. Complete class campaign.
3. Unlock and complete the Broken Shore campaign.
4. Complete the class mount quest(s) to unlock the pets on the vendor. (requires step 3)
5. Level weapon(s) to 52. (must earn Power Ascended (weapon level 52) for at least one Monk artifact weapon)
6. Buy desired pet!
There is a total of 9 battle pets that can only be obtained by specific classes.
- Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu (Monk)
- Broot (Druid)
- Nightmare Lasher (Druid)
- Crackers (Rogue)
- Hateful Eye (Demon Hunter or Warlock)
- Snowfang (Shaman)
- Bloodbrood Whelpling (Death Knight)
- Frostbrood Whelpling (Death Knight)
- Vilebrood Whelpling (Death Knight)
Level 0:

1-12 of 12
1-12 of 12

Wooooo! I just got this pet today playing as Monk in the Legion Expansion. Patch 10.2.5. It took me about a week. I had to do the Monk Order Hall quests to unlock all Followers and then finally the quest on the Broken Shore for your Monk Class Mount.
Once you unlock the Mount: Ban-Lu (Gorgeous Mount), then the pet Ban-Fu, Son of Ban-Lu will also be unlocked! He is sold by Vendor Mei Chele in The Temple of Five Dawns for 1,000 Order Resources. Amazing Pet. Prowl/Feed combo is sick. Wow.
Just got this pet today, and must admit it is stunning, especially in combination with the mount. It took a weekend's work on an alt monk but well worth the effort.
This pet is definitely worth getting, it is stunning, and it only costs 1000 ressources.
Just did it (finally !!!) on my monk alt so it's still available as of 9.0.5 ;). Took roughly two days to complete. An awesome pet and definitely one of the most beautiful looking :). In love straight away ;)
I am thrilled to report that YES, this pet is still available in Battle for Azeroth! I just got mine. (For people reading this down the road, BfA went live about 3.5 weeks ago.) I still had to do the order hall campaign, the Breaching the Tomb achievement/questline, & the mount quests. After receiving the mount, I went straight to the vendor & bought the pet immediately! Now on to my Death Knight to level her up & get those pets!
Is this still available as of patch 8.0 and after BFA release soon, please?
Total play time, Level 1 monk to a Level 25 Cub of Ban-Lu: 2 Days, 9 hours, 14 minutes, 22 seconds. A lot of effort went into this one. It is now one my most prized pet.
Just got this today - working on the Druid, Shammy, DK & Druid pets next. It's hard work but is definitely a great look for the pain. Most of the other class pets aren't as unique and likely to stand out, IMO.
Just reached Concordance on my monk tonight and picked up this pet. When you have her out and mount up on Ban-Lu, Ban-Fu will have an animation above her that matches the now removed monk buff, Legacy of the White Tiger. She will also run over to other monks who mount up on Ban-Lu. The only other activity I've noticed is that when idle for a bit she'll lay down and take a nap. She will not sit on your lap when you /sit with her targetted like most other cat pets do.
Why do only some of the classes get pets/toys? This doesn't seem fair. My main is hunter so I get nada. No toy, No pet. I don't have time to do all this nonsense on an alt, wish the pet were at least tradable.
As of today, Not yet available in game. will probably be avail in the next patch. Same for the DK dragons
Wow, this is a chore! I have a monk, but at 100, he has a way to go to get this. Anyone get it yet? Think Blizz will relax these requirements someday?