Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm

Flawless Amethyst Baubleworm
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.
Binds when used
Use: Teaches you how to summon this companion.

Idles about.
Vocalizations (on-click)
Occasionally buffs the player with Prismatic Light which causes a rainbow trail effect for 10 seconds.
3 allowed
Patch 9.1.0 | Posted: June 29, 2021
Level 0:

1-5 of 5
1-5 of 5

Finally, something to spend my charms on. On my server, it is selling for 1.2M but am not selling as that would mean I have 1.2M more gold that I won't spend. Seriously, what do you need money for in WoW now?
I used to buy tokens but my account is good till 2023 so I am keeping this little beauty! 8)
First of all this pet is great but I think it's not worth for 10k charm. If you ask me logical way to get this buy it via AH, it cost me 420k today and price getting lower day by day. So if you're lazy like me you can farm some gold and wait price drop.
Longboi of a pets. Sadly, unlike his older brother, does not have any particularly useful qualities.
So excited to finally get this pet! Farming the charms took ages. The prismatic rainbow trail looks amazing!
Love this guy! I've been looking forward to this one! :) The buff it gives you which makes the rainbow trails seems to happen about every 2-5 min. When it casts the buff, it vocalizes a little hiss. (It sometimes hisses without buffing, but I've not yet seen it buff without hissing.) Since the worm stops to cast the buff, I wonder how that will work if you're mounted -- if it's possible to run out of range before it casts. Haven't tested.